
Rodolphe Von Berg

  • WTS Ranking: no ranking
  • Represents: United States USA
  • Year of birth: 1993
  • Follow Rodolphe:    

Full Stats

Given NameRodolphe
Family NameVon Berg
Year of Birth1993
Place of BirthColumbus (GA), USA
World Triathlon Debut2009
CoachSimon Lessing
Hobbiescinema, music
Other Sports Competedalpine ski, cycling, tennis
HeroCraig Alexander, Javier Gomez, Michael Phelps
Race Starts38
Race Podiums1
See All


I lived in France from 2 weeks old to 19 years old. Now I am in college in Boulder Colorado, pursuing the triathlon dream and earning a business marketing degree. What triggered my attraction to triathlon was a trip to Kona in 1998 where my father, one of the pioneers of triathlon in his country, Belgium, went on to win his 40-44 age group in the Hawaii Ironman. I remember finding that extraordinary. I was born in the US and I now race for the US since July 2015.

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