20 Jul, 2013

2013 GER Paratriathlon National Championships : Para Triathlon Male TRI-3

Pos First Name Last Name YOB Country Start
Time Swim T1 Bike T2 Run
1 Hans-Peter Durst country flag GER 3224 01:17:48 00:12:37 00:06:08 00:36:50 00:00:00 00:22:15
2 Sebastian Averesch 1976 country flag GER 3222 01:21:36 00:12:22 00:04:28 00:40:33 00:00:00 00:24:14
3 Oliver Seemann 1972 country flag GER 3228 01:24:25 00:09:17 00:07:14 00:38:47 00:00:00 00:29:08
4 Markus Schluter 1966 country flag GER 3227 01:39:45 00:14:15 00:05:45 00:53:37 00:00:00 00:26:10
5 Michael Binder country flag GER 3223 01:50:14 00:20:27 00:06:26 00:46:59 00:00:00 00:36:23

Due to a reconfiguration of the transition area T2 times are missing. Run distance is 4,4 km.
Full results.