20 Jul, 2013

2013 GER Paratriathlon National Championships : Para Triathlon Male TRI-4

Pos First Name Last Name YOB Country Start
Time Swim T1 Bike T2 Run
1 Martin Schulz 1990 country flag GER 3236 00:59:27 00:06:39 00:03:24 00:33:06 00:00:00 00:16:19
2 Lars Hansen 1980 country flag GER 3231 01:08:33 00:09:52 00:03:51 00:36:38 00:00:00 00:18:12
3 Stefan Hueppe 1969 country flag GER 3233 01:09:16 00:10:57 00:04:47 00:35:03 00:00:00 00:18:29
4 Olaf Kohn 1972 country flag GER 3235 01:18:30 00:11:19 00:04:32 00:39:23 00:00:00 00:23:18
5 Ingo Beckert 1969 country flag GER 3230 01:28:00 00:15:24 00:05:14 00:42:53 00:00:00 00:24:30

Due to a reconfiguration of the transition area T2 times are missing. Run distance is 4,4 km.
Full results..