29 Aug, 2014

2014 ITU World Triathlon Para Championships Edmonton : Men's PT5

Pos First Name Last Name YOB Country Start
Time Swim T1 Bike T2 Run
1 Aaron Scheidies B2 1982 country flag USA 11 01:00:58 00:10:15 00:01:31 00:30:32 00:00:40 00:18:03
2 Vasyl Zakrevskyi B1 1984 country flag UKR 19 01:03:10 00:10:31 00:01:58 00:32:33 00:00:45 00:21:08
3 Lazar Filipovic B2 1990 country flag SRB 23 01:04:29 00:10:54 00:01:23 00:31:58 00:00:34 00:19:42
4 Alen Kobilica B1 1970 country flag SLO 18 01:05:29 00:12:08 00:01:52 00:32:42 00:00:43 00:21:48
5 Dave Ellis B3 1986 country flag GBR 14 01:05:35 00:09:50 00:01:19 00:35:31 00:00:27 00:18:29
6 Chris Goodwin B2 1970 country flag GBR 12 01:07:18 00:14:45 00:01:34 00:35:02 00:00:37 00:19:05
7 Arnaud Savio B1 1978 country flag FRA 20 01:07:40 00:12:11 00:01:35 00:34:42 00:00:49 00:22:08
8 Arnaud Grandjean B3 1986 country flag FRA 22 01:07:47 00:12:36 00:01:24 00:33:07 00:00:35 00:20:07
9 Ryan Van Praet B2 1979 country flag CAN 17 01:08:47 00:12:27 00:02:04 00:32:46 00:00:45 00:20:48
10 Jonathan Goerlach B3 1982 country flag AUS 15 01:09:05 00:16:27 00:01:34 00:32:33 00:00:30 00:18:01
11 Rodrigo Mandetta B3 1975 country flag BRA 24 01:09:43 00:10:58 00:01:51 00:36:13 00:00:53 00:19:49
12 Ryu Nakazawa B2 1979 country flag JPN 21 01:20:47 00:14:10 00:01:59 00:37:38 00:00:51 00:26:10

Water temperature 19.2 C Air temperature 22.4 C. Wetsuit Swim. Distances Swim 750 m (1 lap) Bike 20.4 Km (4 laps) Run 5 Km (2 laps, 2.3 + 2.7 Km). B1 athletes have a compensation time of 3.43 deducted from their total time. Split times showed in these results are the real ones.  Staggered start.