29 Apr, 2017

2017 Subic Bay ASTC Paratriathlon Asian Championships : PTVI Men

Pos First Name Last Name YOB Country Start
Time Swim T1 Bike T2 Run
1 Kin Wa Chu B2 1993 country flag HKG 623 01:13:02 00:06:46 00:01:31 00:38:29 00:00:52 00:22:08
2 Ryu Nakazawa B2 1979 country flag JPN 621 01:16:16 00:07:50 00:01:13 00:38:11 00:01:01 00:24:45
3 Zhalaldin Abduvaliev B1 1993 country flag KGZ 622 01:23:45 00:09:22 00:01:57 00:41:39 00:01:05 00:26:26
4 Joshua Nelmida B1 2000 country flag PHI 624 01:35:03 00:08:33 00:02:34 00:49:52 00:00:55 00:33:09
5 Jerome Nelmida B1 2000 country flag PHI 625 01:43:26 00:08:19 00:02:34 00:59:47 00:00:56 00:31:50

Technical Delegate: Koji Koganezawa/JPN. Race Referee: Daniel Sng/SGP. Competition Jury: Koji Koganezawa/JPN, Justin Park/KOR, Tom Carrasco/PHI. Distanes: Swim 375 m (1 lap), Bike 20.9 km (3 lap), Run 5 km (2 laps). Swim. Distances: was reduced due to string wind and high waves. Water temperature 31ÂșC. Wetsuits not allowed. All Athletes in the start list finshed the race. Staggered start: B2 and B3. Athletes started the race 3:16 after the B1. Athletes. Total time for B2 and B3. Athletes is the result to add the 5 splits plus 3:16.