21 Oct, 2018

2018 Ibiza ETU Aquabike European Championships : 45-49 Female AG

Pos First Name Last Name YOB Country Start
Time Swim T1 Bike
1 Sarah Kelman 1971 country flag GBR 6878 02:06:04 00:38:03 00:04:43 01:23:18
2 Jennifer Astall 1973 country flag GBR 6876 02:08:46 00:38:23 00:04:28 01:25:54
3 Nicola Stevenson 1971 country flag GBR 6881 02:21:01 00:42:53 00:05:46 01:32:21
4 Suzannah Kinsella 1970 country flag GBR 6879 02:26:23 00:39:52 00:07:01 01:39:29

Technical Delegate: Vicente Sánchez/ESP. Head Referee: Dirk Bogaert/BEL.
Competition Jury: Vicente Sánchez/ESP, Renato Bertrandi/ITA, Alicia García/ESP
Distances: Swim 1900m (1 lap), Bike 45.3km (Connection plus 1 lap of 41.2km plus connection), Run 21.2km (4 laps).
Water temperature: 21.2 ºC Air temperature 18º C
Wetsuits allowed.
Race start was delayed due to weather conditions. The bike course was shortened due to delayed start.