12 Sep, 2018

2018 ITU World Triathlon Age-Group Championships Gold Coast : 80-84 Male AG Sprint

Pos First Name Last Name YOB Country Start
Time Swim T1 Bike T2 Run
1 Jon Adamson 1937 country flag USA 10528 01:42:11 00:17:57 00:04:45 00:41:31 00:05:55 00:32:00
2 Jack Welber 1937 country flag USA 10530 01:49:13 00:20:18 00:04:31 00:42:54 00:04:09 00:37:20
3 Garth Barfoot 1936 country flag NZL 10526 01:49:22 00:18:58 00:05:37 00:43:02 00:04:47 00:36:56
4 Boris Kirillov 1935 country flag RUS 10527 01:58:13 00:27:10 00:04:08 00:43:22 00:04:39 00:38:51
DSQ Lachlan Lewis 1937 country flag AUS 10525 DSQ 00:39:43 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00

Technical Delegate: Thanos Nikopoulos/GRE and Ross Capill/NZL
Head Referee: Leslie Buchanan/CAN.
Competition Jury Jaqui Kenny/AUS, Terry Sheldrake/NZL, Amy Mac Pherson/AUS.
Distances: Swim 750 m (1 lap); Bike 19.7 km (1 lap); Run 5 km (2 laps) 
Water Temperature: 20.9ºC Air temperature 28.3º C
Wetsuits allowed.
Athlete #10525 Lachlan/AUS was DSQ because he exceeded the swim cut off time.
Athlete #10525 Lewis/AUS was disqualified becase he exceeded the maximum time on swim.