14 Oct, 2018

2018 Sarasota-Bradenton ITU Paratriathlon World Cup : PTS5 Men

Pos First Name Last Name YOB Country Start
Time Swim T1 Bike T2 Run
1 Juan Carlos Cano Espinoza 1989 country flag MEX 529 00:53:24 00:08:09 00:00:46 00:25:16 00:00:52 00:18:25
2 Antoine Besse 1988 country flag FRA 526 00:56:28 00:08:29 00:00:36 00:25:46 00:00:42 00:20:57
3 Keiichi Sato 1979 country flag JPN 525 00:56:45 00:08:29 00:00:41 00:27:07 00:00:40 00:19:50
4 José Abraham Estrada Sierra 1995 country flag MEX 527 00:58:26 00:08:42 00:00:36 00:28:22 00:00:41 00:20:08
5 Pablo Pomata 1975 country flag ARG 531 01:04:55 00:09:26 00:00:54 00:28:33 00:01:01 00:25:04
6 Aidan McGlynn 1980 country flag IRL 530 01:09:56 00:08:52 00:00:44 00:34:31 00:00:45 00:25:07
7 Dan St.pierre 1985 country flag USA 532 01:12:24 00:10:56 00:01:08 00:32:50 00:01:02 00:26:32

Race was modified to a sprint duathlon
Technical Delegate: Janice Turner /CAN. 
Head Referee: Andrew Dacanay/CAN
Competition Jury: Dan Frost/USA, Tim Yount/USA, Rocky Harris/USA. 
Distances: Run 2.5 km (1 lap), Bike 18.3 km (3 laps), Run 5 km (1 lap)
Air Temperature 25.9ºC.
Athlete #526 Besse/FRA and #531 Pomata/ARG, served 10 seconds penalty during the run segment