09 Mar, 2019

2019 Sarasota-Bradenton CAMTRI Paratriathlon American Championships : PTVI Men

Pos First Name Last Name YOB Country Start
Time Swim T1 Bike T2 Run
1 Aaron Scheidies B2 1982 country flag USA 626 01:01:13 00:11:00 00:01:06 00:25:10 00:00:49 00:19:50
2 Kyle Coon B1 1991 country flag USA 630 01:03:03 00:12:26 00:01:09 00:27:09 00:00:58 00:21:24
3 Brad Snyder B1 1984 country flag USA 629 01:05:37 00:11:54 00:01:27 00:29:20 00:00:59 00:22:00
4 Jon Dunkerley B1 1980 country flag CAN 627 01:07:25 00:12:53 00:01:07 00:28:24 00:01:01 00:24:04
5 Owen Cravens B3 2003 country flag USA 634 01:08:20 00:11:12 00:01:17 00:29:09 00:00:55 00:22:29
6 David Alberto Garza Tapia B3 1995 country flag MEX 633 01:10:19 00:13:17 00:01:06 00:31:15 00:00:57 00:20:26
7 Francesco Magisano B1 1995 country flag USA 635 01:12:15 00:16:33 00:01:34 00:30:50 00:01:08 00:22:13
DSQ Oren Blitzblau B1 1976 country flag ISR 632 DSQ 00:12:24 00:01:26 00:28:31 00:01:11 00:22:44

Technical Delegate: Marie-Claude Gregoire/CAN, Head referee Jason Weber/USA. Competition Jury: Robert Whitford/USA, Marie-Claude Gregoire/CAN, Hunter Kemper /USA
Distance: Swim 750m (1lap), Bike 20.0k (3 laps), Run 5.225k (1 lap)
Air Temperature 28.5ºC, Water Temperature 22.3ºC, Wetsuits allowed.
Staggered start: athletes marked as B2 and B3 startted the race 00:03:21 after those marked as B1. The total Time of B2 and B3 athletes ia the adition of the 5 splits plus 00:03:21
Athlete #632 Blitzblau/ISR was disqualified because he did not stop at the penalty box