06 Jun, 2021

2021 Oceania Triathlon Cup Gold Coast : Semifinal 1 Elite Men

Pos First Name Last Name YOB Country Start
Time Swim T1 Bike T2 Run
1 Callum McClusky 1998 country flag AUS 6 00:11:07 00:01:43 00:00:28 00:05:44 00:00:22 00:02:48
2 Brandon Copeland 1996 country flag AUS 4 00:11:07 00:01:42 00:00:28 00:05:43 00:00:22 00:02:50
3 Oscar Dart 2001 country flag AUS 24 00:11:08 00:01:41 00:00:31 00:05:43 00:00:23 00:02:49
4 Kye Wylde 1997 country flag AUS 11 00:11:10 00:01:43 00:00:28 00:05:43 00:00:21 00:02:54
5 Luke Burns 1998 country flag AUS 12 00:11:11 00:01:40 00:00:29 00:05:47 00:00:23 00:02:51
6 Matthew Roberts 1996 country flag AUS 5 00:11:11 00:01:37 00:00:28 00:05:52 00:00:23 00:02:50
7 Dylan McCullough 2001 country flag NZL 20 00:11:18 00:01:38 00:00:30 00:05:46 00:00:23 00:02:59
8 Lachlan Jones 2000 country flag AUS 22 00:11:21 00:01:40 00:00:27 00:05:48 00:00:23 00:03:00
9 Troy Whittington 1999 country flag AUS 23 00:11:22 00:01:44 00:00:30 00:05:43 00:00:23 00:03:00
10 James Olson-Keating 2002 country flag CAN 32 00:11:27 00:01:41 00:00:28 00:05:47 00:00:22 00:03:06
11 David Martin 1998 country flag CZE 26 00:11:32 00:01:43 00:00:30 00:05:44 00:00:21 00:03:12
12 Toby Croudson 2000 country flag AUS 27 00:11:53 00:01:42 00:00:29 00:05:47 00:00:28 00:03:25
13 Kurt Wesley 1997 country flag AUS 9 00:12:02 00:01:46 00:00:27 00:06:03 00:00:21 00:03:22
14 Mitchell Reinhard 2000 country flag AUS 33 00:12:08 00:01:46 00:00:29 00:06:09 00:00:25 00:03:17
15 Lleyton Wall 2002 country flag AUS 35 00:12:22 00:01:45 00:00:30 00:06:17 00:00:26 00:03:23
16 Lachlan Haycock 2000 country flag NZL 15 00:12:52 00:01:45 00:00:28 00:06:23 00:00:28 00:03:46

Technical delegates: Christina Thorne/AUS, Cathy Davey/NZL.Head Referee: GAi Webster/AUS. Competition Jury: Lukas MAtyis, Cathi Davey/NZL, Cara Turney/AUS
Distances: swim 150 m in swimming pool, bike 4 km (1 lap) run 969 m (2.5 laps on track)
WAter temperature 27ºC. Air temperature 21ºC. Wetsuits not allowed.
1st to 8th progress to A Final
9th to 16th progress to B Final