19 Jun, 2022

2022 World Triathlon Para Cup A Coruna : PTS4 Men

Technical Delegate: Thomas Mantelli/FRA. Head Referee: Mónica Flores/ESP.
Competition Jury: Thomas Mantelli/FRA; Eric Angstadt/ESP; Alicia García/ESP.
Distances: Swim 750m (1 lap); Bike 20.8km (4 laps); Run 5.05km (3 laps)
Water temperature: 17.2ºC. Air temperature: 16ºC. Wetsuit Mandatory.
Athlete #427 Ara/JPN served a 10-second penalty during the run course.
Athletes #428 Hultquist/USA and #431 Steffen/USA were disqualified for not serving a time penalty.