24 Jun, 2022

2022 World Triathlon Sprint & Relay Championships Montreal : 85-89 Male AG Sprint

Pos First Name Last Name YOB Country Start
Time Swim T1 Bike T2 Run
1 Kenneth Fleischhacker 1936 country flag USA 1449 01:55:27 00:23:33 00:07:23 00:44:10 00:05:12 00:35:07
2 Charlie Barnes 1937 country flag CAN 1447 02:31:56 00:26:10 00:10:38 00:55:24 00:09:12 00:50:30
3 Lachlan Lewis 1937 country flag AUS 1451 03:16:22 00:30:07 00:16:30 01:07:03 00:00:59 01:21:41
DSQ Jim Farr 1934 country flag USA 1448 DSQ 00:26:40 00:09:59 00:36:48 00:00:00 02:03:38
DSQ Jack Welber 1937 country flag USA 1450 DSQ 00:25:26 00:10:21 00:31:32 00:00:00 01:49:15

Technical Delegate: Esteban Benitez/MEX. Head Referee: Yan Therrien/CAN.
Competition Jury: Esteban Benitez/MEX; Leslie Buchanan/CAN; Joe Morissette/CAN.
Water Temperature: 19.7ºC. Air Temperature: 25ºC. Wetsuits allowed.
Distances: Swim 750m (1 lap) ; Bike 19.2km (2 laps);  Run 5km (1 lap)
Athletes #1448 Farr/USA and #1450 Welber/USA were disqualified for not completing the bike course.