12 Mar, 2023

2023 Arena Games Triathlon Series Sursee powered by Zwift : Elite Men Heat 2

Pos First Name Last Name YOB Country Start
Time Swim T1 Bike T2 Run
1 Fabian Meeusen 1998 country flag SUI 2 00:22:57 00:11:17 00:11:40 n/a n/a n/a
2 Justus Nieschlag 1992 country flag GER 3 00:23:10 00:11:14 00:11:56 n/a n/a n/a
3 Maxime Hueber-Moosbrugger 1996 country flag FRA 4 00:23:11 00:11:22 00:11:49 n/a n/a n/a
4 Max Stapley 1999 country flag TRI 7 00:23:20 00:11:27 00:11:53 n/a n/a n/a
5 James Chantler-Mayne 2000 country flag GBR 6 00:23:21 00:11:30 00:11:51 n/a n/a n/a
6 Jesús Jimenez Gimeno 2001 country flag ESP 1 00:23:24 00:11:34 00:11:50 n/a n/a n/a
7 Josiah Ney 2000 country flag CAN 9 00:23:59 00:11:53 00:12:06 n/a n/a n/a
8 Hamish Reilly 2002 country flag GBR 8 00:24:25 00:11:57 00:12:28 n/a n/a n/a
9 Itamar Eshed 2000 country flag ISR 5 00:24:43 00:12:10 00:12:33 n/a n/a n/a
10 Márton Kropkó 2005 country flag HUN 10 00:24:47 00:12:19 00:12:28 n/a n/a n/a

Head referee: Stefane Mauris/SUI
Total time is the addition of the times of stage 1 and stage 2.
Top 4 athletes from this heat progress to the final. The next fastest two athletes across both heats also go into the final.
Start numbers indicate swim lanes.