05 Feb, 2023

2023 Oceania Triathlon Para Championships Stockton : PTVI Men

Pos First Name Last Name YOB Country Start
Time Swim T1 Bike T2 Run
1 Sam Harding B2 1991 country flag AUS 626 01:02:47 00:12:03 00:00:22 00:29:22 00:00:22 00:17:56

Technical Delegate: Kyle Davey/NZL. Head Referee: Christina Thorne/AUS.
Competition Jury: Kyle Davey/NZL, Ja Davies/AUS, Megan Hall/AUS.
Distances: swim 750 m (1 lap), bike 20 km (4 laps), run 5 km (2 laps).
Water temperature: 24.3ºC, air temperature 20.8ºC. Wetsuits allowed.
Final time is the addition of the 5 splits plus the compensation time of 02:41.