19 Jun, 2022

2022 World Triathlon Development Regional Cup Panama City : U19 Men

Pos First Name Last Name YOB Country Start
Time Swim T1 Bike T2 Run
1 Cesar Xavier Criollo Matute 2003 country flag ECU 11 00:57:06 00:09:01 00:01:11 00:29:24 00:00:22 00:17:07
2 Diego Lucero 2003 country flag PAN 14 00:58:12 00:10:09 00:01:13 00:31:00 00:00:24 00:15:25
3 Gabriel Joaquin Quito Tello 2004 country flag ECU 15 00:59:04 00:09:11 00:01:10 00:31:40 00:00:25 00:16:37
4 Carlos Gutierrez 2004 country flag ECU 16 00:59:51 00:09:28 00:01:13 00:31:49 00:00:22 00:16:58
5 Eric Anel Acosta Tuñon 2003 country flag PAN 12 01:03:31 00:11:28 00:01:13 00:32:19 00:00:26 00:18:11

Technical Delegate: Felix Molina/MEX. Head Referee Oliver Batista/PAN.
Competition Jury Felix Molina/MEX, Elsie Licona/PAN, Sara Tejada/PAN.
Distances: Swim 750m (1 lap); Bike 20km (3 laps); Run 5km (2 laps)
Water Temperature: 24ºC. Air Temperature 24ºC. Wetsuits Forbidden
Athlete #15 Quito Tello/ECU served a 10 seconds penalty in the run penalty box.
Results were extracted from the elite men’s race.