
Mattika Maneekaew

  • WTS Ranking: no ranking
  • Represents: Thailand THA
  • Year of birth: 1992
  • Follow Mattika:

Full Stats

Given NameMattika
Family NameManeekaew
Year of Birth1992
Race Starts8
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I first took up triathlon in 2009, and I’ve come to love the sport. The person who has had the most influence on my sporting career is Mr. Vijitr, the president of the Triathlon Association of Thailand.

I currently train in Rayong Province, and during an average training week I do four hours of swimming, five hours of cycling, and three hours of running. My personal best swim time (1500m) is 26 minutes, bike (40km) 45 minutes, and run (10km) 45 minutes. My favorite ITU race has been the 2009 race in Incheon, as it was my first time watching a world-class race. My triathlon goal is to become ITU Champion.

I’m coming from the Land of Smiles to compete in Singapore, so please give me a smile if you are watching the race!

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