Jordan Bryden

Jordan Bryden

  • WTS Ranking: no ranking
  • Represents: Canada CAN
  • Year of birth: 1986

Full Stats

Given NameJordan
Family NameBryden
Year of Birth1986
Height6ft 5in
World Triathlon Debut1996
HobbiesTraining. working at the shop, sleeping
Other Sports CompetedXterra, Mountain Biking, Trail Running, Surfing
HeroJon Blais, Lynn Cox, Peter Reid, Natalie Coghlin
InjuriesBroke my elbow off in 2002 on a training ride. Some bad luck and ice on the road came into play. A small break in my scaphoid occured in late 2006 while racing.
Race Starts39
Race Podiums1
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I grew up in Airdrie, Alberta and got into triathlon in 1996. After being motivated by watching the 2000 Sydney Olympics, my family moved into Calgary to be closer to my training center, at the Talisman Center. I work with my head coach, Calvin Zaryski of to work towards the Olympic Gold in 2012.

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