08 Apr, 2017
2017 Gold Coast ITU World Paratriathlon Series : PTS5 Women
Pos | First Name | Last Name | YOB | Country | Start Num |
Time | Swim | T1 | Bike | T2 | Run |
1 | Kate | Næss | 1983 | 501 | 01:10:01 | 00:12:01 | 00:01:24 | 00:33:39 | 00:00:30 | 00:22:26 |
Technical Delegate: Shanelle Barrett/NZL. Race Referee: Juliet Fahey/NZL. Competition Jury: Shanelle Barrett/NZL, Shin Otsuka/JPN, Miles Stewart/AUS. Distances: Swim 750m (1 lap), Bike 20km (5 laps), Run 5 km (2 laps of 2.305km and 390m). Water temperature 21.7ºC. Air Temperature 24ºC. Wetsuit swim. All the Athletes in the start list finished the race.