26 Jan, 2020

2020 Newcastle OTU Paratriathlon Oceania Championships : PTVI Women

Pos First Name Last Name YOB Country Start
Time Swim T1 Bike T2 Run
1 Katie Kelly B3 1975 country flag AUS 606 01:14:18 00:13:12 00:00:32 00:35:45 00:00:34 00:20:25
2 Shannon Cleave B3 1979 country flag NZL 607 01:43:57 00:16:55 00:01:35 00:43:43 00:01:06 00:36:48

Technical Delegate: Christina Torne/NZL.Head Referee: Jacqui Kenny/AUS. Competition Jury: Chritina Torne/NZL, Lukas Matys/AUS, David Williams/AUS.
Distances: Swim 750 m (1 lap); Bike 20 km (4 laps); Run 5 km (3 laps).
Water Temperature 24.5ºC. Air Temperature 24.2ºC. WBGT 23.9 Wetsuits allowed.
Total time for B3 athletes is the adition of the five splits and 03:48