24 Sep, 2022

2022 Africa Triathlon Championships Agadir : 40-44 Female AG

Pos First Name Last Name YOB Country Start
Time Swim T1 Bike T2 Run
1 Meryem Ouarid 1982 country flag MAR 676 02:52:08 00:31:58 00:01:59 01:27:57 00:00:54 00:51:18
2 Silvia Brutschin 1981 country flag GER 681 03:01:06 00:34:19 00:02:34 01:31:07 00:01:09 00:54:30
3 Hind Jaafari 1978 country flag MAR 675 03:20:50 00:40:50 00:03:34 01:32:57 00:01:49 01:05:13
4 Samira Ghailane 1980 country flag MAR 679 03:36:29 00:40:16 00:02:05 01:48:31 00:01:54 01:05:47

Technical Delegate: Gary Williams/RSA. Head Referee: Abdennour Rahnumi/MAR.
Competition Jury: Gary Williams/RSA, Lhacen Ounaceur/MAR, Boubacar Gaye/SEN.
Distances: Swim 1500m (2 laps); Bike 40km (4 laps);  Run 10km (4 laps).
Water temperature: 21.9ºC. Air temperature: 21ºC. Wetsuits allowed.
Athlete #675 Jaafari/MAR served a 15 seconds time penalty in the run penalty box.
Athlete #676 Meryem/MAR served a 2 minutes time penalty in the bike penalty box.