17 Sep, 2023

2023 NED Paratriathlon National Championships : PTWC Men

 21°C |  20.1°C (wetsuit)
Pos First Name Last Name YOB Country Start
Time Swim T1 Bike T2 Run
1 Geert Schipper H2 1977 country flag NED 458 00:57:03 00:10:55 00:01:41 00:31:14 00:01:06 00:12:05
2 Brendan Bischoff H2 1991 country flag NED 465 01:18:23 00:13:07 00:02:23 00:41:59 00:01:30 00:19:22
3 Tijn Van Lange-Verhoek H2 1988 country flag NED 475 01:28:24 00:13:43 00:03:34 00:47:56 00:02:15 00:20:55
4 Terry Koper H2 2003 country flag NED 463 01:34:10 00:16:00 00:03:12 00:56:28 00:01:50 00:16:37

Technical Delegate: Suus Baggen/NED
Staggered start not applied. Total time is the addition of the 5 splits