19 Aug, 2023

2023 World Triathlon Para Cup Paris : PTVI Men

Pos First Name Last Name YOB Country Start
Time Run T1 Bike T2 Run
1 Dave Ellis B3 1986 country flag GBR 626 00:53:39 00:07:49 00:00:29 00:25:57 00:00:35 00:16:21
2 Sam Harding B2 1991 country flag AUS 631 00:55:13 00:07:49 00:00:35 00:26:54 00:00:47 00:16:40
3 Owen Cravens B3 2003 country flag USA 628 00:55:17 00:08:13 00:00:30 00:25:54 00:00:37 00:17:35
4 Oscar Kelly B3 2001 country flag GBR 632 00:55:53 00:08:01 00:00:31 00:27:09 00:00:38 00:17:06
5 Lazar Filipovic B2 1990 country flag SRB 633 00:56:15 00:07:50 00:00:31 00:27:41 00:00:34 00:17:12
6 Thibaut Rigaudeau B3 1990 country flag FRA 627 00:56:41 00:08:02 00:00:32 00:28:00 00:00:37 00:17:03
7 Satoru Yoneoka B1 1985 country flag JPN 634 00:57:08 00:09:23 00:00:42 00:00:00 00:00:53 00:18:19
8 Héctor Catalá Laparra B2 1988 country flag ESP 630 00:58:21 00:08:27 00:00:39 00:28:06 00:00:36 00:18:05
DSQ Kyle Coon B1 1991 country flag USA 629 DSQ 00:09:04 00:00:28 00:26:28 00:00:48 00:00:00

Technical Delegates: Felix Molina/MEX, Thanos Nikopoulos/GRE, Laura Patti/ITA.
The race was modified to a duathlon.
Staggered start: PTVIB2 and PTVIB3 athletes started the race 02:28 after PTVIB1 athletes. The total time of the PTVIB2 and PTVIB3 athletes is the addition of the five splits plus 02:28.

Athletes #631 Harding/AUS and #632 Kelly/GBR served 10 seconds penalty during the run course.
Athlete #629 Coon/USA was disqualified because he did not complete all the run laps.