15 Jul, 2023
2023 World Triathlon Sprint & Relay Championships Hamburg : Qualifier 1 Elite Women
Pos | First Name | Last Name | YOB | Country | Start Num |
Time | Swim | T1 | Bike | T2 | Run |
1 | Beth | Potter | 1991 | 2 | 00:22:05 | 00:04:05 | 00:00:32 | 00:11:16 | 00:00:23 | 00:05:50 | |
2 | Zsanett | Kuttor-Bragmayer | 1994 | 5 | 00:22:05 | 00:03:58 | 00:00:33 | 00:11:08 | 00:00:23 | 00:06:05 | |
3 | Taylor | Spivey | 1991 | 1 | 00:22:06 | 00:04:07 | 00:00:33 | 00:11:11 | 00:00:25 | 00:05:52 | |
4 | Lisa | Tertsch | 1998 | 3 | 00:22:06 | 00:04:09 | 00:00:29 | 00:11:12 | 00:00:25 | 00:05:52 | |
5 | Nicole | Van Der Kaay | 1996 | 8 | 00:22:06 | 00:04:14 | 00:00:34 | 00:11:05 | 00:00:25 | 00:05:51 | |
6 | Cathia | Schär | 2001 | 6 | 00:22:06 | 00:04:22 | 00:00:33 | 00:10:57 | 00:00:25 | 00:05:52 | |
7 | Anabel | Knoll | 1996 | 19 | 00:22:06 | 00:04:14 | 00:00:31 | 00:11:08 | 00:00:24 | 00:05:52 | |
8 | Verena | Steinhauser | 1994 | 4 | 00:22:06 | 00:04:27 | 00:00:34 | 00:10:51 | 00:00:26 | 00:05:51 | |
9 | Solveig | Løvseth | 1999 | 14 | 00:22:08 | 00:04:25 | 00:00:37 | 00:10:48 | 00:00:26 | 00:05:54 | |
10 | Alberte | Kjær Pedersen | 1998 | 9 | 00:22:10 | 00:04:25 | 00:00:31 | 00:10:56 | 00:00:24 | 00:05:57 | |
11 | Alissa | Konig | 1996 | 15 | 00:22:15 | 00:04:26 | 00:00:32 | 00:10:58 | 00:00:26 | 00:05:56 | |
12 | Lotte | Miller | 1996 | 25 | 00:22:41 | 00:04:26 | 00:00:34 | 00:10:51 | 00:00:27 | 00:06:25 | |
13 | Nora | Gmür | 2001 | 24 | 00:22:41 | 00:04:23 | 00:00:31 | 00:11:01 | 00:00:23 | 00:06:26 | |
14 | Djenyfer | Arnold | 1993 | 7 | 00:22:49 | 00:04:23 | 00:00:34 | 00:10:59 | 00:00:26 | 00:06:29 | |
15 | Vittoria | Lopes | 1996 | 10 | 00:22:53 | 00:03:55 | 00:00:34 | 00:11:11 | 00:00:28 | 00:06:47 | |
16 | Lizeth | Rueda Santos | 1994 | 11 | 00:23:03 | 00:04:22 | 00:00:32 | 00:11:00 | 00:00:31 | 00:06:40 | |
17 | Jolien | Vermeylen | 1994 | 23 | 00:23:07 | 00:04:21 | 00:00:35 | 00:11:00 | 00:00:25 | 00:06:48 | |
18 | Emma | Jackson | 1991 | 18 | 00:23:13 | 00:04:25 | 00:00:35 | 00:10:56 | 00:00:27 | 00:06:51 | |
19 | Carlotta | Missaglia | 1999 | 20 | 00:23:20 | 00:04:03 | 00:00:34 | 00:11:18 | 00:00:28 | 00:06:59 | |
20 | Amber | Schlebusch | 2001 | 29 | 00:23:30 | 00:04:18 | 00:00:34 | 00:11:39 | 00:00:26 | 00:06:35 | |
21 | Sara | Vilic | 1992 | 22 | 00:23:30 | 00:04:22 | 00:00:31 | 00:11:03 | 00:00:28 | 00:07:08 | |
22 | Selina | Klamt | 2001 | 26 | 00:23:52 | 00:04:26 | 00:00:32 | 00:11:30 | 00:00:25 | 00:07:01 | |
23 | Dominika | Jamnicky | 1992 | 17 | 00:24:12 | 00:04:26 | 00:00:31 | 00:11:51 | 00:00:26 | 00:07:00 | |
24 | Olivia | Thornbury | 1998 | 27 | 00:24:32 | 00:04:25 | 00:00:34 | 00:11:56 | 00:00:24 | 00:07:15 | |
25 | Anne | Holm | 1999 | 31 | 00:24:39 | 00:04:23 | 00:00:32 | 00:12:24 | 00:00:26 | 00:06:55 | |
26 | Noémi | Sárszegi | 1996 | 28 | 00:24:40 | 00:04:22 | 00:00:35 | 00:11:59 | 00:00:28 | 00:07:17 | |
27 | Maria | Tomé | 2001 | 16 | 00:24:51 | 00:04:23 | 00:00:36 | 00:12:05 | 00:00:27 | 00:07:21 | |
28 | Yuko | Takahashi | 1991 | 12 | 00:25:08 | 00:04:27 | 00:00:40 | 00:12:03 | 00:00:27 | 00:07:33 | |
DNF | Kira | Hedgeland | 1998 | 21 | DNF | 00:04:25 | 00:00:35 | 00:00:00 | 00:00:00 | 00:00:00 |
Technical Delegate: Daniel Martin/AUT
Athletes ranked from 1 to 10 progressed to the Final
Athletes ranked 11th and beyond go to Repechage 1
Athletes #11 Rueda Santos/MEX and #27 Thornbury/NZL served 10 seconds penatly during the run segment.