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2016 ITU World Triathlon Grand Final Cozumel - Elite Men's Highlights ITA

Rocambolesco finale a Cozumel, il britannico Jonathan Brownlee con il Titolo WTS in tasca è colpito da crisi a pochi metri dall’arrivo e viene aiutato dal fratello Alistair a raggiungere il traguardo, arrivando secondo dietro Henry Schoeman, finendo secondo in classifica generale dietro allo spagnolo Mario Mola, che si laurea Campione WTS. Undicesimo posto per il nostro Alessandro Fabian

27 September, 2016
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2016 ITU World Triathlon Grand Final Cozumel - Elite Women's Highlights

Bermuda’s Flora Duffy floored it on the bike in hot and humid conditions in Cozumel, winning the race and securing her place in history as the 2016 ITU World Triathlon Series Champion. The world title is the first WTS crown Duffy has scored, as well as the first time Bermuda has topped the World Championship podium.

24 September, 2016
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2016 ITU World Triathlon Grand Final Cozumel - Elite Men's Finish

In a dramatic finish to the 2016 ITU World Triathlon season, Mario Mola Díaz won his first elite World Championship title by just four points after Jonathan Brownlee suffered heat exhaustion in the final metres. The Brownlee Brothers will go down in history for this finish, which kept Jonny in the running to take second in the Columbia Threadneedle Rankings.

19 September, 2016

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